Artsadmin and Julie’s Bicycle have published a report revealing the impact Season for Change has had on the climate conversation within the UK.

Focusing on local communities, the cultural programme aimed to encourage important, inclusive action and conversations surrounding climate change. 

As part of Season for Change, East Street Arts commissioned four artists – Jake Krushell, Nicolas Henninger, Nwando Ebizie and Xavier de Sousa. Through Season for Change we were able to host several events, including sensory and natural build workshops with Nwando, Haymaking with Meanwood Valley Farm and the opening of Cabanon, a minimal retreat designed by Nicolas who is an artist and architect.

The full report describes how exploring climate change through the scope of arts programming is highly effective, with Season for Change engaging 231,000 people and over 3,000 artists, arts professionals and scientists in arts commissions and conversations about climate over its 18-month lifespan – how amazing is that!

Led by Arstadmin and Julie’s Bicycle – supported by Arts Council England and Paul Hamlyn Foundation – Season for Change spanned a total of 18 months in alignment with the countdown to COP26, inviting cultural organisations and artists to put climate action at the centre of their programming and creative output. 

Some of the key achievements the project achieved between June 2020 and November 2021 included:

  • Connecting with over 1 million people via press and media 
  • Engaging over 231,000 members of the public through commissions 
  • The commission of 15 artists
  • 230 events submitted to the open programme
  • 100 artists and creatives supported with paid opportunities
  • 3,010 artists, arts professionals and scientists attended the 29 Season for Ex-Change and related climate sector events
  • 182,000 people engaged online over the lifetime of the programme

And it’s not over yet! Several of the commissioned projects endorsed by Season for Change are continuing into 2022.

Read the full Season for Change report

Go to Season for Change’s website

We also contributed to a report about Season for Change created by the Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations (CAST), based on how culture can catalyse engagement with climate change.

Read CAST report