Soorin Shin was one of our four Convention House residency artists in 2022, funded by Garfield Weston Foundation.

Soorin Shin is a visual artist working in 3D printed sculpture, digital and installation art. Her work concerns nature’s depiction in historical and cultural artefacts, especially those related to women, naturally leading her interest into ecofeminism. She explores the ambiguous border between the digital and the physical worlds in her works, interrogating the relationship between technology and nature.

Born 1993 in Incheon, South Korea, Soorin is now based in Glasgow. After obtaining a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Hons) in Sculpture & Environmental Art from the Glasgow School of Art in 2020, Soorin founded Wobbly Digital, a 3D printing and digital art studio, in 2021. Previously she studied Design at the Design Academy Eindhoven, and Media Design at the Dongduk Women’s University. Recently, her work was exhibited in More Space For The People at SaltSpace, Glasgow in 2021 and will be exhibited at the Hidden Door Festival, June 2022 in Edinburgh.