Gillian Holding attempts to express how we live in an absurd world through art

Gillian Holding’s art attempts to make sense of how we as individuals navigate through an essentially nonsensical world. In her paintings, this is reflected by juxtaposed strangely positioned figures, and occasional objects and animals haunting the canvases. The figures are invariably female, constrained or restrained, balancing, poised momentarily on a threshold or awkwardly reaching out to or clasping something. Balanced or about to fall? Trapped or escaping? Often the poses are impossible, despite being superficially convincing. But these figures are not without power as they grasp, search, and resist, seeking a way through an ambiguous and obscure sense of space.

“Gillian Holding’s artistic style is characterised by a vibrant interplay of color and line. Describing herself as a “painterly draughtsman,” she navigates the tension between structured mark- making and the organic flow of paint. This dynamic gives her work its unique distinctiveness, with some pieces emphasising freeform paint application and others showcasing intricate drawing with paint. Her approach is unplanned, driven by her emotions in the moment, leading to diverse outcomes even within a single exhibition.

Central to her work is the theme of uncertainty and the unexpected. She believes that the unpredictable nature of her process mirrors the surreal contradictions of contemporary society. In a world dominated by post-truth narratives and conflicting realities, her art invites viewers to confront these paradoxes. The daily barrage of mediated “reality” through social and mainstream media creates a sense of alienation and fragility. Gillian Holding’s work, with its inherent dissonance, reflects these feelings, offering a visual commentary on the disorienting nature of modern existence.” Aatonau! Nov 2024 The eternal question: how does anyone navigate through life?