Artist selected for Taipei artist residency

We’re thrilled to announce that Leeds-based artist James Thompson has been selected for a six-week residency at Treasure Hill Artist Village in Taiwan, from August to September 2024.

The residency—a partnership between East Street Arts, Artist-in-Residence Taipei and Platform Asia—will allow James to visit Taipei to research, explore his practice, and develop new ideas around site-responsive performance. 

James’ work deals with the perception of space and its interpretation, working across sculpture, moving image and site-responsive performance. He will be developing new moving image and sound works recorded from locations across Treasure Hill Artist Village; exploring parallel histories of the site as a former military observation post, the growth of the community, and the model for sustainable urban living, to construct new experiences of the space.

James Thompson said: “My work is site-responsive predominantly situated in Leeds since 2016. I am keen to develop wider international networks, having not travelled outside of Europe before. I’m looking forward to sharing and working with local Taiwanese artists and communities, and having the opportunity to respond to the rich cultural and technologically advanced Taipei, which will greatly progress my practice.”

James was one of four artists shortlisted, from a pool of 85 UK-wide applications, by a panel of representatives from Platform Asia and East Street Arts. Treasure Hill Artist Village made the final selection; choosing to award the six-week residency to James.

Jon Wakeman, Artistic Director at East Street Arts, said: “James is a really interesting artist, producing compelling work across Leeds inspired by the city’s spaces, architecture and urban development. He’s also one of our valued studio holders at Patrick Studios. We’re excited to see how this unique opportunity to immerse himself in the sights and sounds of Taipei will impact his development as an artist.”

See more of James’ work:

The residency has been supported by Arts Council England and the Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs

Images © Jules Lister


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