We have partnered with Leeds Creative Labs to bring together creatives and researchers from the University of Leeds to open new ways of thinking.

What is Leeds Creative Labs?

Leeds Creative Labs is a funded opportunity for artists and creative professionals to collaborate with researchers from the University of Leeds. The programme is an initiative developed and led by the Cultural Institute at the University of Leeds since 2012.

In the past, they have paired hip-hop dancers with economists, ballet choreographers with Biochemical engineers, and visual artists with astrophysicists.

In this edition of Leeds Creative Labs, we’re partnering with the Cultural Institute to offer up to 5 sets of labs.

How it works

Artists and academics are to apply by the deadline. The match is made by an expert panel, based not only on the participants’ professional interests, but also on their shared sense of curiosity and ambition to explore ideas without limits.

Once pairings are made, we will host a collaborative workshop between Creative Labs and East Street Arts.

Pairings will have 6 weeks to work together for the equivalent of 3 working days, with times and dates arranged by each collaborating pair to suit their own circumstances.

Pairings will be invited to speak at a public event to share their experiences at the end of the programme.

What does participation involve?

If you are one of the creative partners selected to participate in this edition of the Leeds Creative Labs programme, you must make the following commitments to the programme:

  • You give permission for any work created as part of the Leeds Creative Lab programme to be accessible in the public domain
  • You must be able to participate in the launch event on Wednesday 19 April and the share event on 8 June
  • You must commit to a minimum of three days between 20 April and 8 June to work with an academic partner at mutually convenient times
  • You participate in the evaluation of the programme which includes completion of evaluation questionnaire at the end of the programme and permission for photography and filming during key events


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