Tanith Mab joined us for a residency at Convention House between Aug 2021 and March 2022.

Tanith Mab is a prophetic, religious transhuman, non-ironic ironic post optimist romantic realist creative from Manchester.

Tanith has her own symbology that follows the trends and obsessions of her life at that time, real-world events, the internet and mass and memes every Sunday. Tanith’s current obsessions include Furries, Alan Turing, Catholicism, Fidget poppers, Boss Baby 2 (the greatest SciFi of the decade) and the desperation to believe/follow.

Tanith expresses herself through paintings, sculpture, performance and film, and very much believes she has not yet found the tool/method to express these thoughts, emotions and aesthetics properly in a future SciFi style, but will continue to try.

Tanith’s goals for the future include having as much time as possible to keep making and to be untainted and tainted the correct amount always. She is also keen to meet collaborators and like-minded/completely unlike-minded individuals and hopes to find a community. Tanith also needs to see the world.

Photo Credits: Sam Joyce Photography