The internationally recognised Palestinian artist Taqi Spateen unveiled a new mural on the gable-end of Convention House on 16 May 2024.

The artwork, To Be Or Not To Be (2024), features the artist’s two children alongside a larger than life daisy – a flower symbolic of Palestinian springtime. By giving his children ‘permanent residency’ in Leeds, Taqi’s mural highlights the lack of freedom of movement for many, including his own family, impacted by the ongoing Palestinian and Israeli conflict.

To Be Or Not To Be (2024) was the first in a series of five murals – part of a new international graffiti art project by Bethlehem Cultural Festival – to be painted by the artist in Leeds, Glasgow, Bristol, Stroud and London.

Taqi was in residency with East Street Arts in Leeds from 8th to 17th May 2024. During his time in Leeds, he explored the local street art scene and public artworks including Yinka Shonibare CBE’s Hibiscus Rising, and visited architectural icons in the city.

Jon Wakeman, Artistic Director at East Street Arts, said: “I am not alone in being deeply saddened by the continuing Palestinian and Israeli conflict and the ongoing humanitarian crisis, and have struggled to know how East Street Arts should respond. As an organisation working with artists and creatives, we believe any statement should come directly from an artist living through these atrocities. 

“I’m pleased that we’ve been able to offer a wall on one of our buildings, plus accommodation and equipment; allowing Taqi to devote time to creating this new work as a statement of his hope and vision for the future. It has been a pleasure to meet Taqi and support him in developing a piece that speaks for him and his situation.”

The mural was launched at an event, opened by the Lord Mayor of Leeds, Councillor Al Garthwaite. Taking place at Convention House, where the artist stayed during his residency, the event also included a talk by the artist.

Taqi’s Leeds residency is a collaboration between Leeds Palestinian Film Festival, East Street Arts, and Bethlehem Cultrual Festival.