Here are the incredible facilitators that will be supporting Hive, with sessions throughout the day.

Taking place at The Carriageworks Theatre in Leeds on Monday 22 May 2023, the conference will ask artist-led spaces, and all those that surround and support them, the question: How do we develop what we do without denying who we are?


Stewardship – Aligning our visions and commitments with wider movements

Joon-Lynn Goh / Anna Colin

If we replaced the word and practice of governance with stewardship, what would we re-remember, reclaim and re-practice? In this session, we aim to shift our understanding of organisational vision and accountability to our social movements, ecosystems and next generations.


Where do I stand and what do I stand for?

Jane Morrow / Benedetta d’Ettorre

Partner: University of Leeds

The focus for this session is on individual, collective and organisational values: those that you cultivate and communicate, and how they shape our work in the artist-led sector. We will address the significance of reflexivity, productivity, and keeping it creative.


What are the conversations we really want to have?

Melissa Burntown / Alice Chandler

Partner: YVAN

This workshop will facilitate critical reflection on the complex state of networks in the arts sector. We will consider themes of value, agency, frustration, solidarity and storytelling in order to think deeper about networks and the stories they contain.


Finding, running, keeping – How do artists move and develop through their space?

Market Gallery / Chris Biddlecombe and Kirsten Body

Partner: Creative Scotland

How do organisations connect to their communities and embed within their localities? We will take time to reflect on how artist-led projects and spaces respond to needs and demands of the spaces they inhabit, and the responsibilities they have towards their surrounding communities.


How can we know, show and tell our value?

Dawn Cameron / Emma McDowell

Partner: Centre for Cultural Value

It is often difficult to find space and time to carry out effective evaluation when we are juggling many competing priorities and agendas. Yet embedding evaluation into our practice can provide rich learning and insight into our work. This interactive session will discuss how evaluation can complement and support artistic ambitions.


As those who have least to give seem to end up expected to give the most

Jo Verrent / Laura 

Partner: Unlimited

How many disabled artists, arts workers and creatives are regularly expected to do something for nothing? In this session, we will explore how organisations of all sizes work together to identify and stop the exploitation of disabled creatives and arts workers (and all other creatives too).