East Street Arts and Leeds based Counter Culture are joining forces to tackle a key issue that arises in the arts industry

COVID-19 has impacted the cultural sector in Leeds across the board, but it cannot be clearer that those who have suffered the most are artists.

One area that has repeatedly been discussed is in relation to contracting. Contracts have been broken, terms have not been understood and there are minimal training opportunities both for artists and organisations in relation to best practice in contracting.

East Street Arts have teamed up with Counter Culture to investigate potential solutions to this issue, and we are starting by asking artists and organisations what they might need in relation to contracting. This survey is one of the ways we are doing that.

If you do have five minutes to complete this survey we would massively appreciate it. Our ambition is to create an online contract that can be adopted by artists and organisations, accompanied by a series of resources, accessible formats, and training opportunities.

We hope that this will help artists and organisations to better work together, and avoid some of the complex issues we have faced during the pandemic in the future.

If you are an artist please complete this survey >

If you are an organisation please complete this survey >