We’re checking in at the Art Hostel, highlighting how incredible the rooms and spaces are.

Next, we’re looking at Room 12, the wonderous Snowstorm Collection by Nelson & Woodward. 

Devised by artist-duo Nelson & Woodward, Snowstorm Collection is a room inspired by the act of discovering a place or object for yourself. Prints with bold red, blue and beige colour schemes line the walls around the room. Against the dark blue walls, bright prints become highlights within the space; depicting travel and the exploration of cultures through their designs and motifs. 

The centrepiece of the room is the snowglobe collection of Art Hostel sponsors Mick Ward & Gill Crawshaw, brought together across numerous years of travelling. Whereas now, through the internet, it is possible to collect objects without the act of discovery, this collection was built up through the finding of souvenirs whilst exploring these places. Through travel we make memories, and these small souvenirs, are what keep those memories alive. 

Find Nelson & Woodward: @nelsonandwoodward | nelsonandwoodward.com

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