We are delighted to announce that our Business and Development Lead, Melody Walker has been selected.

This year, the Fellowship has been developed for the first time for Senior Fundraising Professionals who will undertake the year-long Fellowship throughout 2021/22.

For the first time, this acclaimed Fellowship is aimed at Senior Fundraising professionals embedded in organisational settings. This is an opportunity for individuals with lead responsibility for fundraising to build essential skills to support their organisations. It will support these 11 fundraising leaders through the challenges of emerging stronger following the Covid-19 pandemic.

Melody said: “I am excited to be part of this inaugural cohort of Senior Fundraisers. This Fellowship can only add value to the work we are doing here at East Street Arts to curb the impact of the covid 19 pandemic on the resilience of the organisation. As arts fundraisers, we have begun looking beyond the pandemic at the economy of the cultural sector and have been reviewing how fundraising has had to change and innovate to reflect the lessons learnt over the past 18 months.”

The Fellowship is delivered by Cause 4’s Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy in partnership with the University of Leeds. It is funded by the Arts Council England.

For more information about the Fellowship and the current cohort, visit the website: https://artsfundraising.org.uk/fellowships