This week, we welcome three Netherlands-based artists to Leeds for two-week residencies based in our art and tech hub, Convention House.

Joining us today, from the Groningen-based collective Moshpit of Creation, sculptor Chiara Tammaro, and designer and maker Tom Dijkstra will be with us until 24 November. During their stay, the two artists will explore the similarities and differences between artistic landscapes in the UK and the Netherlands. 

They will research, visit and hold conversations with a range of arts organisations and artists in and around Leeds, with a focus on exploring the role and function of artist-led spaces, studio policy differences between Groningen and Leeds, and the creation of networking opportunities. Based on their collated explorations and reflections, the artists will create a visual representation of their research to be showcased at a sharing event on Friday 24 November.

The second residency (15-26 November) is with returning artist and theatre maker Sijas De Groot who was part of a larger group visit to Leeds earlier in the year, organised by LEEDS 2023 and the Netherlands Embassy. His return will focus on engaging with key stakeholders in the local community to deepen his understanding of the city, its inhabitants, the public space and its social context. 

Throughout his residency, Sijas will work closely with Mafwa Theatre (based in Patrick Studios) and our team to explore inequality of opportunity, with a particular focus on gentrification, inclusivity, immigration and segregation. Sijas will be working towards a presentation of the stories gathered during his stay, which will be presented at the Friday 24 November sharing event.

The overall ambition for the residencies is to develop lasting connections between LEEDS 2023, the Netherlands Embassy and East Street Arts, in order to create future learning and residency opportunities.