After five years of developing and facilitating the MLGB Neighbourhood Forum, we're handing over to local residents to lead the forum into the future.

As the first ever artist-led Neighbourhood Plan, we have worked collaboratively with local residents and organisations to explore what people want and need in their community. This has included the voices and perspectives of young people through our annual neighbourhood Summer School. Creative projects such as a series of neighbourhood zines, a gift exchange, a sound walk and seasonal events formed a catalogue of activity over the last few years.

Mabgate, Lincoln Green and Burmantofts is a unique neighbourhood made up of a community speaking over 70 different languages, and we are delighted that local resident Pauline Alexis will continue to lead the forum as Chair, with the support of Leeds City Council. We will remain a dedicated member of the forum and continue to support the group.

If you live here and want to get involved or find out more email – the Neighbourhood Forum would love to hear from you.

Kat Zamri-Peel (Sayang Sounds)
Michaela Lesayova, livingwell

Forum members:
MAFWA Theatre
Burmantofts Senior Action
Leeds City College
Leeds Refugee Forum
Leeds Asylum Seeker Support Network
Local residents and artists
East Street Arts