Together, we can build a sustainable cultural ecology for artist-led spaces.

Hive is our bi-annual participatory conference that investigates how the interconnectedness of artist-led spaces – at policy, sector and organisational levels – can contribute to their sustainability.

We held our first-ever Hive on 22 May 2023 at The Carriageworks Theatre in Leeds. The event brought together 108 artists, collectives, sector support organisations, funders, policymakers, and academics to focus on the sustainability of artist-led spaces.

The programme

Beginning with the learning, research and campaigns from our five-year Guild sector support programme, we explore topics including identity, governance, accessibility, and locality. There was also chance to discuss, debrief and build lasting connections with others from across the sector.

See the full programme


Throughout the day, sessions were led by a duo of artist and academic facilitators who presented specialist knowledge and drew out the insight and ideas in the room.

Find out more about the facilitators

Future events

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