Together, we can build a sustainable cultural ecology for artist-led spaces.

MONDAY 22 MAY 2023
9am – 5.30pm
The Carriageworks Theatre, The Electric Press, 3 Millennium Square, Leeds LS2 3AD

Join us for the first ever Hive, a participatory conference that investigates how the interconnectedness of artist-led spaces – at policy, sector and organisational levels – can contribute to their sustainability.

Drawing parallels to the beehive, the cultural sector is a complex and adaptive system, to which many (just like the bees!) contribute to make it work.

The Programme

Together, we’ll explore the question: How do we develop what we do without denying who we are?

Beginning with the learning, research and campaigns from our five-year Guild sector support programme, to explore topics including identity, governance, accessibility, and locality. Plus, you’ll have the chance to discuss, debrief and build lasting connections with others from across the sector.



Throughout the day, sessions will be led by a duo of artist and academic facilitators who will present specialist knowledge and draw out the insight and ideas in the room.



We are offering a range of ticket prices to make Hive as accessible as possible to as many people as possible. Please select the right ticket option for you below. Our ‘Pay What You Can’ option allows you to choose the amount that you pay.


Travel and access bursaries

We recognise artist-led spaces are often operating under precarious circumstances and therefore we would like to offer a number of access bursaries of up to £150 per person to help with costs associated with attending Hive.

To enquire, please email stating: your name; the collective, organisation or space you are representing; and a breakdown of the costs related to your attendance.

The venue

Hive will be taking place at The Carriageworks Theatre in Leeds. For venue accessibility information and details of how to get there, please visit their website:


Need somewhere to stay in Leeds? Our very own Art Hostel offers unique creative accommodation, designed by artists, in the heart of Leeds.


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