Join Herfa Thompson and Zoe Tongue to explore your reproductive health experiences, responding to the duo’s Reproductive Futures artworks.

Saturday 27 July
10am – 4pm
Convention House, East Street Arts, St. Mary’s Lane, Mabgate, Leeds

Join artist Herfa Thompson and academic Zoe Tongue to explore your reproductive health experiences, responding to the duo’s Reproductive Futures artworks, in this visual art workshop.

The workshop will explore different experiences, including a range of reproductive health issues: pregnancy, abortion, childbirth, and reproductive health illness.

We will use visual art as a way of sharing stories. The artwork that you create will be collected into a zine, which will be sent to you after the workshop.

The workshop will be split into three sections:

  1. A guided session exploring what ‘reproductive health’ means
  2. A mindful art session
  3. A session for you to use art to explore your own experiences of reproductive health

The creative workshop is part of Herfa’s and Zoe’s Leeds Creative Labs follow-on fund collaboration – a programme that partners artists and academics, initiated by the University of Leeds’ Cultural Institute.

Expression of interest

As the workshop will explore sensitive and potentially upsetting topics, we are asking for expressions of interest if you would like to participate. This will give us a chance to chat with you about what to expect from the workshop, and will help you decide whether you want to take part in the event. We have also created an information sheet to give you some more information.

To express interest in participating in the creative workshop, please email by Friday 12 July, including your name and contact details. We will then arrange to talk to you by email, phone call, or online video chat. Alternatively, you can call and speak to Herfa on 07493 585026.